Saturday, March 27, 2010

Restrained Desire in Print!!

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that Restrained Desire , the second book in the heroes series, can now be ordered in print, from Amazon. If you're not the eReader type of person and you have been waiting patiently for it to be out in print, well, your wish has just been granted. For those of you who have already read it, I would love to hear from you, so shoot me an e-mail.
Well, I am getting all by things and bags ready for the Romance Slam Jam cruise.... I am so excited. Jamaica here I come. I will be at the book signing on the 9th, so I will see you all there. Those who will be on the cruise with me, Yippee! I love hanging out with readers and other authors.
If you have not had a chance to read book 1 of series, Fire and Desire, make sure you swing by Amazon and grab that one. No, you don't have to read them in sequence, but, they are connected.
Hugs to you all and thanks for the continued encouragement.
Romancin' You!